Having a toolkit of hacks for your period cramps can make that time of the month more fulfilling. Remember, while period cramps are definitely common, that doesn’t mean that they are normal. Any sort of pain is a sign from your body to investigate that something is not working properly or something is out of balance.
10 Period Pain Remedies
Why Am I Cramping A Week Before My Period?
9 Foods for Heavy Periods
8 Herbs for Heavy Periods
10 Causes of Heavy Periods
9 Natural Remedies for Period Nausea
Period nausea can be a symptom you experience before or on your period. The period nausea is triggered by the elevation in prostaglandins, which are inflammatory compounds that increase right before your period to help with shedding the uterine lining (your period). High prostaglandins can mean more period pain and can also contribute to period nausea. Imbalances in estrogen or progesterone can lead to prostaglandin imbalances because all the reproductive hormones are connected. Stress is also a predictor of prostaglandins, because cortisol can be inflammatory as well.
11 Remedies for Period Cramps
Prostaglandins are the reason we can get period cramps. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that the body releases around menstruation that cause the uterus to contract to shed the lining. They are involved in pain and inflammation. High levels of prostaglandins can mean more severe pain. There are a couple of major problems with downing ibuprofen and waiting it out with a heating pad. One is just that it interferes with your time, mood, and energy to be suffering in pain. And prolonged use of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory meds like ibuprofen) can seriously affect your gut over time. Poor gut health is just going to add more fuel to the fire of your symptoms. Here are 11 remedies for period cramps.
12 Foods for Period Pain
Having a toolkit of hacks for your period cramps can make that time of the month more fulfilling. Remember, while period cramps are definitely common, that doesn’t mean that they are normal. Any sort of pain is a sign from your body to investigate that something is not working properly or something is out of balance.
8 Herbal Teas for Endometriosis
Affecting 11% of the population, endometriosis is a condition where bits of tissue similar to the endometrium (uterine living) grow in places other than inside the uterus. The extra tissue that grows elicits a high inflammatory response resulting in severe period pain. This tissue is responsive to estrogen, so as hormone levels fluctuate throughout the month this can affect your pain. Diagnosis is not simple – it requires laparoscopic surgery, but if you experience debilitating period pain it’s important to bring this up with your doctor. The goal of endometriosis is to reduce pain and inflammation because there is no cure. There are many natural remedies for endometriosis that you can implement starting today to aid with pain.