10 Reasons for Not Ovulating

10 Reasons for Not Ovulating

Ovulation is the main event of the menstrual cycle. It occurs during the halfway point in the menstrual cycle for one day. Ovulation is when the egg gets released from the ovary into the fallopian tube to prepare for fertilization and pregnancy. Progesterone is the hormone that promotes pregnancy and ovulation, and if progesterone is low, then you may not be ovulating (pro meaning to upgrade and gesterone meaning pregnancy).

Can Stress Delay Your Period?

Can Stress Delay Your Period?

Stress can delay your period. When it comes to our period, managing stress will take precedence over producing our sex hormones. Many nutrients are building blocks for both progesterone, a hormone that helps us ovulate, and cortisol, our stress hormone. Due to this progesterone levels can decrease as a result of high stress, which will cause a delay in ovulation and a delay in period. Delaying your period can come in the form of a missing period, a late period, or no period.

10 Ways to Prevent Period Pain

10 Ways to Prevent Period Pain

Period nausea can be a symptom you experience before or on your period. The period nausea is triggered by the elevation in prostaglandins, which are inflammatory compounds that increase right before your period to help with shedding the uterine lining (your period). High prostaglandins can mean more period pain and can also contribute to period nausea. Imbalances in estrogen or progesterone can lead to prostaglandin imbalances because all the reproductive hormones are connected. Stress is also a predictor of prostaglandins, because cortisol can be inflammatory as well.