10 Tips for Menstrual Migraine Relief

10 Tips for Menstrual Migraine Relief

Menstrual migraine relief is something many women are trying to achieve when it comes to the time of the month. Not only can women experience bloating, cramps, and tender breasts during their period, but they may also experience severe headaches or migraines (1). Menstruation leads to many hormone fluctuations, especially with estrogen and progesterone. Right before your period, progesterone and estrogen levels drop, which may lead to migraines. Many women seek treatments and methods to alleviate their symptoms and I am here to break down the simplest ways to achieve menstrual migraine relief. If you are someone that wants to avoid using medications or hormone therapies as a way to alleviate menstrual migraines, these tips are perfect for you.

Here are the top 10 tips on how to achieve menstrual migraine relief using a holistic, natural approach:

1. Magnesium

Magnesium is critical in numerous physiological functions, including the onset of headaches- especially migraines.  Deficiencies in magnesium may alter nociceptive processing and neurotransmitter release, and lead to hyper aggression of platelets, which all contribute to the onset of migraines (2). Incorporate magnesium to your diet through foods such as avocados, nuts and legumes, or by taking a magnesium supplement in order to achieve menstrual migraine relief. 

2. Caffeine

Caffeine may help with menstrual migraine relief by blocking the receptors of adenosine. Caffeine is an active ingredient in many headache relief medications such as Excedrin and Midol and works by altering the activity of a naturally occurring and necessary brain substance called adenosine. Adenosine levels in the blood go up during migraine attacks (3). On the contrary, sometimes caffeine can worsen headaches if you are not drinking enough water and can be a trigger for migraines but it all depends on the individual. Always make sure to listen to your body and what foods respond well with your body. 

3. Get enough sleep

If you suffer from migraines, you may want to pay more attention to your sleeping habits in order to attain menstrual migraine relief. Sleep loss and oversleeping are common triggers to headaches and migraines (4). Make sure to establish a consistent sleep schedule. Try to go to bed at the same time every day and wake up at the same time every day. Consistency in your sleep schedule also helps to achieve menstrual migraine relief. 

4. Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 known also known as riboflavin, may help in menstrual migraine relief (5). It can be found in certain foods like milk, yogurt, meat, eggs, nuts, and leafy green vegetables. You can also get vitamin B2 from a supplement (6). Supplementing with vitamin B2 is a simple way to achieve menstrual migraine relief.

5. Acupuncture

If traditional medicine has not helped you achieve menstrual migraine relief, you may want to consider trying acupuncture. Acupuncture may help reduce the frequency of headaches in individuals with migraines (7). It’s not entirely clear exactly how acupuncture eases pain or decreases migraine, but the theory is that it activates pathways in the brain that are responsible for alleviating pain. This is a great method that not only provides menstrual migraine relief but is also a great way to relieve stress and anxiety.

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    6. Managing stress

    Stress can be a major trigger for migraines (8). If you are looking for menstrual migraine relief, evaluate the amount of stress you experience on a day to day basis. Managing stress is a lot easier said than done, but taking simple steps each day to reduce your stress can help you achieve menstrual migraine relief. Journaling, meditation, and exercise are outlets to help alleviate stress. 

    7. CoEnzyme Q10

    CoEnzyme Q10 is found in the body’s cells and is one of the main sources of energy within cells. This enzyme has strong anti-oxidative properties and may help with menstrual migraine relief (9). Coenzyme Q10 can be taken by a dietary supplement or it can be found in certain foods such as chicken,broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, and oranges.

    8. Hot or Cold Compress

    Applying a cold towel across your forehead or on the back of your neck may help in alleviating menstrual migraines. Putting ice on your forehead may have a numbing effect by stimulating other nerve endings. A warm compression can help relax the muscles of the neck and help alleviate menstrual migraines. 

    9. Don’t skip meals

    Skipping meals can increase the severity of migraines. Sometimes when your blood glucose levels get too low, this can trigger the onset of headaches and migraines (10). Stress hormones may be released from the body during a fasting period, which then may contribute to the onset of headaches and migraines. Always make sure to eat consistently throughout the day to avoid any drastic drops in blood sugar and help prevent the onset of migraines. 

    10. Sitting in a dark room

    Migraines may increase sensitivity to light. The increase in light sensitivity is known as photophobia and occurs in over 85% of people who suffer from migraines (11). Sitting in a dimly lit or dark room may help alleviate the severity of your menstrual migraines. Turn off all the lights and diffuse an essential oil such as lavender or peppermint for ultimate relaxation and menstrual migraine relief.

    Take away message:

    Menstrual migraine relief can be a complicated and frustrating process for women. Some women may experience menstrual migraines due to the dropping levels of progesterone and estrogen that occur during menstruation. Many lifestyle and environmental factors such as the food we eat, stress, and physical activity may affect the presence and severity of menstrual migraines. Make sure to try out these tips if you are someone that suffers from migraines during your menstrual cycle and are looking for menstrual migraine relief. If symptoms do not improve, consider seeing your primary care provider for treatment options. Always consult with your doctor before you begin taking any dietary supplements that might interact with any medications you are taking.

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