4 Reasons for PMS Night Sweats and Ideas for Natural Relief

4 Reasons for PMS Night Sweats and Ideas for Natural Relief

PMS night sweats can occur for several reasons. Night sweats are more than just waking up a bit warm in the middle of the night. Often you wake up feeling totally drenched, possibly through the sheet or your pajamas. While this can start to happen more often as you get closer to perimenopause, PMS night sweats can happen before or during your period.

Here are 4 reason for PMS night sweats:

1. Hormonal Fluctuations and pms night sweats

Right after ovulation your progesterone rises and with it your basal body temperature rises slightly. At this time estrogen levels begin to decline. This hormonal shift affects your hypothalamus, the area in your brain that regulates body temperature. The lowered levels of estrogen causes a release of norepinephrine which can affect your sensitivity to changes in body temperature. PMS night sweats can occur due to this hormonal shift.

2. Early menopause and PMS night sweats

Another possibility of PMS night sweats is that it is linked to early menopause, or primary ovarian insufficiency (POI). While menopause typically occurs in your 40s or 50s, POI can mean experiencing symptoms of menopause in your 20s or 30s due to low hormone levels. Night sweats can be a symptom of low estrogen levels.

3. Stress and Anxiety and PMS Night Sweats

Due the physiological response of stress and anxiety in the body, this can also explain for PMS night sweats. The stress response causes heart rate and breathing rate to increase, as well as sweating due to the release of adrenaline. PMS may also be a common time to experience increased levels of anxiety in some people due to hormonal shifts of low progesterone levels.

4. Blood Sugar Crash and PMS Night Sweats

Low blood sugar can be another reason for PMS night sweats. When your blood sugar drops too low your body produces adrenaline as this is a perceived stress on the body. As we just discussed, this rise in adrenaline can result in sweating. This highlights the importance of keeping blood sugar stable to help to prevent PMS night sweats.

Natural PMS Night Sweats Relief

Let’s now talk about several strategies for natural PMS night sweat relief.

1. Uncover your underlying root causes

Hormone testing can help to identify exactly what is going on with your hormones to determine the best approach for healing your PMS night sweats.

2. Phytoestrogen Foods

Phytoestrogens, like those found in soy and flaxseeds, mimic estrogen in the body, they bind to the same estrogen receptors that estrogens do. Phytoestrogens are much weaker than the estrogens produced in our bodies. They help to balance estrogen levels, whether they are high or low. It is recommended to stick to non-GMO organic whole or fermented soy foods 2-3 times per week. Both soy and flaxseeds can help to reduce night sweats (source, source).

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    3. Vitamin E

    Vitamin E is another natural remedy to help with PMS hot flashes. One study showed an improvement in symptoms with 400 IU of vitamin E taken for four weeks (source).

    4. keep Blood Sugar Balanced

    Keeping blood sugar balanced can help to prevent PMS night sweats caused by a drop in blood sugar during the middle of the night. Eating consistent meals and snacks every four to six hours and incorporating protein, healthy fat, and fiber can help to prevent a low blood sugar crash.

    5. Include Carbohydrates at Dinner

    Making sure to include a carbohydrate food at dinner can help to maintain blood sugar levels through the night to help prevent PMS night sweats. This is especially helpful if you are prone to blood sugar dips and if you suspect your PMS night sweats are due to a blood sugar crash in the middle of the night. Example of carbohydrate foods include: beans, quinoa, brown rice, or sweet potatoes.

    6. spoon of almond butter before bed

    One hack to keep blood sugar stable to prevent a blood sugar crash in the middle of the night is to have a 1 Tbsp spoon of almond butter before bed. The protein and healthy fat help to stabilize blood sugar to prevent PMS night sweats. Almonds also contain magnesium - your natural relaxation mineral that can help with calming before bed.

    7. acupuncture

    Acupuncture has been shown to help with night sweats. A study administered acupuncture to participants three times per week for 12 weeks and showed a decrease in night sweats and hot flashes (source). It also showed that acupuncture can help to calm the HPA axis, or the stress response.

    Take away message:

    PMS night sweats can be due to various hormonal fluctuations. There are several natural remedies that can help prevent PMS night sweats. If you’re looking to understand the root causes of your night sweats, check out my hormone testing packages HERE.

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