about PMS

What is Premenstrual Syndrome?

PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome which is defined as life-disrupting physiological and psychological changes in the luteal phase of the cycle, or the second half of your cycle. After the menstrual cycle begins, symptoms typically disappear. PMS can be predicted due to hormone imbalances with estrogen and progesterone, specifically high estrogen and low progesterone. During the start of the luteal phase, occurs after ovulation, progesterone is increasing, but if pregnancy doesn’t happen progesterone will drop by the end of the phase. This drop-in progesterone may be more extreme for some women and this causes estrogen to increase rapidly. Additionally, this hormone imbalance can be caused by other factors such as stress. This extreme shift in hormone levels could be the cause of PMS symptoms. Here are 8 symptoms that can occur in the luteal phase of your cycle that contribute to PMS.

10 Remedies for Natural PMS Relief

10 Remedies for Natural PMS Relief

There are different remedies for natural PMS relief that work by addressing the underlying drivers of your PMS symptoms. Specifically, we want to work on balancing estrogen and progesterone levels, lowering inflammation, and supporting our mood chemicals, all of which we can do through food, targeted herbs or supplements, and lifestyle changes. Natural PMS relief is definitely possible for you. Here are 10 remedies for natural PMS relief.