
8 Caffeine-Free Coffee Alternatives

8 Caffeine-Free Coffee Alternatives

Why talk about caffeine-free coffee alternatives? When discussing hormone balance, stress or cortisol imbalances are often a contributing factor or part of the underlying root cause. Since caffeine found in coffee can stimulate our stress response, if we are having issues with either high or low cortisol it may be beneficial to do a caffeine reset and opt for some caffeine-free alternatives so we can still enjoy our morning routine, while keeping our stress response balanced. Here are 8 caffeine-free coffee alternatives.

12 Adaptogenic Herbs to Lower Cortisol and Reduce Stress

12 Adaptogenic Herbs to Lower Cortisol and Reduce Stress

Adaptogenic herbs can help to lower cortisol levels and reduce stress in the body. If you feeling low on energy, like it’s hard to keep with all you have going on each day, have trouble sleeping, or feel exhausted all the time you may have an imbalance in your cortisol levels. Cortisol is your hormone responsible for regulating stress. These adaptogenic herbs have been used for years and now there is research backing up their use to help lower or manage cortisol and reduce stress.