8 Benefits of Zinc for PCOS

8 Benefits of Zinc for PCOS

There are may benefits of zinc for PCOS. Zinc is a trace mineral that is essential for many reactions that occur in the body. Great food sources of zinc include: nuts, seeds, shellfish, meat, and legumes. There are times where additional supplemental zinc may be helpful.

Here are 8 benefits of zinc for PCOS:

1. Zinc Improves Hirsutism

One benefit of zinc for PCOS is helping to improve hirsutism, or unwanted hair growth on the face or body. Hirsutism is the result of an elevation in androgens like testosterone or DHEA. Those with PCOS may have an elevation in androgens and this may result in hirsutism. Zinc has been shown to reduce the effects of high testosterone, and therefore can help to improve hirsutism (1).

2. Zinc Reduces Hair Loss

While some people with PCOS may experience hirsutism, or unwanted hair growth, they may also experience hair loss from the head due to excess androgen hormones. The excess androgens can lead to androgenic alopecia, or female pattern hair loss. Reducing elevated androgens helps with hair loss. Another benefit of zinc for PCOS is to reduce this hair loss. In a 2016 study a reduction in alopecia was observed in those with PCOS given supplemental zinc compared to the control group (1).

3. Zinc Improves Ovulation

One characteristic of PCOS that many experience is anovulation, or lack of ovulation that can lead to delayed or irregular periods. The goal to improve irregular periods or to make them more regular is to focus on improving ovulation. Any delay in your period is due to a delay in ovulation. Improving ovulation and egg quality is another benefit of zinc for PCOS. Zinc plays a role in the development of your follicles, which is important for healthy ovulation and therefore helps to regulate your cycle (2).

4. Zinc Improves Anxiety

Anxiety can often be seen in those with PCOS (3). While there are many physical symptoms of PCOS, anxiety is a mental or emotional symptom that can result due to a combination of physical imbalances in the body (hormone or nutrient) and also the emotional stress that comes with some of these symptoms like hair loss, skin issues, or infertility. Another benefit of zinc for PCOS is improving anxiety. There is an association between zinc levels in the blood and anxiety. Low levels of zinc are seen in those with anxiety and supplemental zinc may help to improve symptoms (4).

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    5. Zinc Helps to Clear the Skin

    Another benefit of zinc for PCOS is to help clear the skin or presence of acne. Acne can be seen in those with PCOS due to elevated androgens like testosterone. This can cause an increase in sebum, or excess oil production in the skin (5). Zinc supplementation has shown to have skin benefits for those experiencing acne (6).

    6. Zinc Improves Blood Sugar Control

    Impaired blood sugar control can often be seen in those with PCOS. This means that the body does not do as good of a job clearing sugar from the blood and blood levels can remain elevated. Insulin, the hormone whose job it is to clear sugar from the blood, has a difficult time keeping up with demands and the cells may become less responsive to allowing the sugar into the cells, where it is needed for energy. Another benefit of zinc for PCOS is improved blood sugar control. Zinc has been shown to have beneficial effects on glycemic control (7). This can also help to improve other symptoms related to elevated testosterone, since impaired blood sugar control can be at the root of these high levels, signaling the ovaries to produce more androgens.

    7. Zinc Reduces Inflammation

    Chronic inflammation over time can result in damage to the cells. It is not uncommon to see inflammation in those with PCOS. Another benefit of zinc for PCOS is reducing inflammation. Zinc functions as an antioxidant in the body, working to help lower the effect of inflammation and oxidative stress (8).

    8. Zinc Supports the Thyroid

    Some people with PCOS may also be experiencing hypothyroidism, or slowed function of the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones are crucial for our metabolism, so if it is not functioning properly we may feel fatigued or low on energy. Another benefit of zinc is supporting the thyroid. Zinc deficiency has been associated with hypothyroidism (9). Zinc plays an important role in boosting T3, or the active thyroid hormone, production.

    Take away message:

    Zinc plays an important role in the body and deficiency can lead to or greatly contribute to symptoms experienced. If you’re looking to understand the root causes of your PCOS, check out my hormone testing packages HERE.

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