PCOS 1:1 Coaching


I help you manage your PCOS with ease, gain cycle clarity, and support optimal fertility without overwhelming restrictions or complicated protocols that leave you feeling exhausted and defeated.

My ovulation returned, my bloating is almost nonexistent!

“I first reached out to Krista because I was suffering from digestive issues, PCOS, a lack of ovulation, and wanting to better my overall health. I had seen her posts on Instagram that were straightforward and actionable - exactly what I was looking for. After working with Krista the last few months, I can confidently say what a transformative experience it has been. My ovulation has returned after 10 months, my bloating is almost nonexistent, and I've developed healthy routines around food and exercise that previously seemed daunting. I also appreciated the testing Krista did to give me personalized recommendations and better understand my own health. I can't say enough wonderful things about this experience. Run, don't walk, if you're considering working with Krista!”


At-Home Hormone Testing for PCOS

Includes DUTCH Hormone test + 1-hour results review session w/ personalized next steps

Heal Your Period

Online Course + Community


Add-On: 1-Hour Coaching Call

Add-On: DUTCH Hormone TesT + 1:1 Review

add DUTCH hormone test & coaching call with Krista for individualized support

Guides & Toolkits

High Androgen Toolkit

PCOS SUpplement Guide

PCOS Lab Testing Guide


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