6 Supplements for Low Testosterone

6 Supplements for Low Testosterone

Testosterone is an androgen hormone produced in the ovaries and the adrenal glands. Androgen hormones are identified as hormones we typically associate with males, though females produce them too but just in smaller amounts. Just like the other female reproductive hormones, testosterone aids in the menstrual cycle, bone health, mood, libido, and breast development. Of course, these are all functions of testosterone when it is at optimal production. As females, we need a moderate production of testosterone, anything too high or too low can cause dysfunctions in our body because all hormones work together and if one is imbalanced, this can cause imbalances on the rest to compensate. Specifically, if your testosterone is too low you can experience symptoms like fatigue, difficulty building muscle, low libido, and depression. Let's discuss some supplements for low testosterone, so you can better regulate your hormones. These supplements can be beneficial for supporting healthy testosterone levels in women.

Source: 28522926

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    Here are 6 supplements for low testosterone:

    1. Vitamin D 

    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and is one of the supplements for low testosterone. When active in the body it acts like a steroid hormone, and has effects on testosterone production. In the body, vitamin D has a beneficial effect on bone health. Correlational data has found that vitamin D consumption is linked to increased testosterone levels. Since vitamin D can be very limited in our food, the best way to consume is through sun exposure outside. 

    Source: 28041602, 29548752

    2. Tribulus

    Tribulus also called puncture vein is a plant grown in only specific climates with high temp. Using Tribulus as one of the supplements for low testosterone has shown positive effects on sex drive in animal studies. Studies have shown this to improve participant’s sex drive in those with low levels but found no further increase in sex drive or testosterone levels in those with balanced production of testosterone. 

    Source: 23723641

    3. Zinc

    Zinc has also been shown to be one of the supplements for low testosterone. Zinc is a vital mineral involved in fertility, sex drive and so many other metabolic reactions in the body. It plays an important role in balancing hormone levels in the body, specifically testosterone. Data shows that zinc consumption is positively correlated with increasing testosterone levels. Additionally, zinc has been shown to improve sex drive in rat studies significantly. 

    Source: 8875519,19881149

    4. L-Carnitine

    L-carnitine is an amino acid that is naturally occurring in our bodies. It is one of the supplements for low testosterone because data has found that it can reduce fatigue and increase energy levels due to its function in the mitochondria. It is found in animal products, but it is not a dominant component so supplementing may be conditionally necessary. For athletes, it has also been found to help aid in muscle soreness and recovery. This is why L-carnitine is one of the supplements for low testosterone.

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    5. DHEA

    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone naturally produced in the body that combines with testosterone to make DHT. DHT controls the oil production in your pores, hair quality, and sex drive. It is a powerful compound that needs to be produced optimally, and DHEA can help because it is one of the supplements for low testosterone. Studies have found that DHEA had a positive effect on increasing testosterone levels inactive participants who endure high-intensity interval training. 

    Source: 23417481

    6. Ashwagandha

    Another one of the supplements for low testosterone is Ashwagandha. This is a natural herbal remedy that originated in Indian culture. It is used as an adaptogen for stress and anxiety, but it can also have positive effects on hormones. The herb was found to increase exercise performance, strength, which decreased fatigue. Other data has found that fertility and testosterone levels were both increased by supplementing with ashwagandha. 

    Source: 23439798, 26609282